Erika Enterprise RTOS v3
IMPORTANT: ERIKA3 has been contributed to the AUTOSAR Consortium under the name "OpenERIKA"
Erika Enterprise is a royalty free automotive OSEK/VDX certified Hard Real Time Operating System (RTOS).
Main Features:
Hard Real-Time support with Fixed Priority Scheduling and Immediate Priority Ceiling
Support for Earliest Deadline First (EDF), Resource Reservation and Limited Preemption Schedulers
Support for multicore/manycore architectures: partitioned and global scheduling supported
1-4 Kb Flash footprint, suitable for 8 to 64 bit microcontrollers
Support for multi-core platforms (v2.X: one copy of the RTOS per core; v3.x: one copy shared between cores)
Support for stack sharing among tasks
Easy configuration using RT-Druid with Eclipse plugins
Dual License: Open-source (GPL2+Linking exception, Version 2.x and 3.x) and Commercial (Version 3.x)
ERIKA v3 features: Built for Multicores!
ERIKA v3 has been built with multicores and AUTOSAR compliance in mind.
Among the features of version 3, we highlight:
- Single image kernel shared among the various CPUs;
- Interprocessor Interrupts and Spin Locks;
- Lightweight OpenMP implementation thanks to the UpScale SDK;
- Support for Hypervisors such as JailHouse;
- Designed for implementing AUTOSAR OS specifications regarding Memory Protection and Multicores.
Supported Architectures
ERIKA v3 currently support various single and multicores architectures, such as:
- Kalray MPPA (16 clusters of 16 cores each);
- AVR8 8 bit - Arduino Uno;
- ARM Cortex A5x (64 bit, as a JailHouse inmate on NVidia Tegra X1/X2 and Xilinx Ultrascale+);
- Intel x86-64;
- ARM Cortex M;
- ARM Cortex R5 (on Xilinx Ultrascale+);
- Infineon Tricore AURIX;
- Renesas RH850;
Automotive and HVAC in mind
ERIKA Enterprise has been successfully used in various products, including Automotive and HVAC produced by the following companies:

For more information about industrial usages and success stories, please contact us.