ERIKA Enterprise Virtual Machines

Try ERIKA Enterprise downloading one of our Virtual Machines.

ERIKA v3 Virtual Machines

VM for Arduino Uno, NVidia Tegra TX1/TX2 with Linux and JailHouse Hypervisor

This Virtual Machine includes ERIKA3 version GH41. The Virtual machine has preinstalled crosscompilers and SDK allowing you to compile applications for the following architectures:

  • ERIKA3 on Arduino Uno;
  • ERIKA3 on a JailHouse Inmate on Tegra TX1 and Tegra TX2.

Virtual Box version*


86f506311dd4db1df3df7ac59f584863 2018_09_05_VM_ERIKA3.7z

ERIKA v2 Virtual Machines

VM for Freescale PowerPC

This Virtual Machine was done in collaboration with Lauterbach, who provided a demo license of TRACE32 software, and using the GCC compiler.

Virtual Box version*

  • Youtube

VM for Arduino, STM32F4 Discovery, Cubieboard 2 and other boards

This Virtual Machine was done in collaboration with the ReTiS Lab of the Scuola Superiore S. Anna and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Virtual Box version*

  • Youtube

VMware version*

  • Youtube

* all the compressed folders are protected by password. Please write us an e-mail in case you need it.