Tricore compilation

Forum related to ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid version 2

Moderator: paolo.gai


Re: Tricore compilation

Post by NSR »


Thanks for the suggestion and instruction. I've done as suggested, undone all the changes that have been made (restoring to and confirm the following:

Code: Select all

12:44:11 **** Build of configuration Default for project Test ****
"C:\\Users\\WinUser\\workspace\\Test\\Debug\\make_launcher.bat" all 
C:\cygwin\bin\bash found!
Using erika files in /cygdrive/c/erika/eclipse/plugins/COMEUE~4.N20/ee_files
RM  tc27x.elf
CC    ee_tc2Yx_cstart.c
CC    eecfg.c
CC    code.c
CC    ee_hal_structs.c
CC    ee_context.c
CC    ee_tc_trapvec.c
CC    ee_tc_intvec.c
CC    ee_tc_oo.c
CC    ee_tc_internal.c
CC    ee_tc_context.c
CC    ee_as_schedule_tables.c
CC    ee_activate.c
CC    ee_schedule.c
CC    ee_force_schedule.c
CC    ee_gettaskstate.c
CC    ee_gettaskid.c
CC    ee_terminat.c
CC    ee_thendin.c
CC    ee_irqendin.c
CC    ee_iparam.c
CC    ee_tstub.c
CC    ee_tnterm.c
CC    ee_lookup.c
CC    ee_rq_exchg.c
CC    ee_rq_inser.c
CC    ee_shtdown.c
CC    ee_startos.c
CC    ee_chaintas.c
CC    ee_altick.c
CC    ee_getcountervalue.c
CC    ee_getelapsedvalue.c
CC    ee_evclear.c
CC    ee_evget.c
CC    ee_evset.c
CC    ee_evwait.c
CC    ee_tc2Yx_system.c
CC    ee_assert.c
AR libee.a
GEN ee_tc27x_gnu_ram.ld from /cygdrive/c/erika/eclipse/plugins/COMEUE~4.N20/ee_files/pkg/mcu/infineon_common_tc2Yx/cfg/ee_tc2Yx_gnu_ram.ld.tmpl
LD tc27x.elf
Compilation terminated successfully!
GEN t32.cmm from /cygdrive/c/erika/eclipse/plugins/COMEUE~4.N20/ee_files/pkg/mcu/infineon_tc27x/cfg/t32_tc27x_ram.cmm
GEN orti.cmm from /cygdrive/c/erika/eclipse/plugins/COMEUE~4.N20/ee_files/pkg/mcu/infineon_common_tc2Yx/cfg/orti.cmm
GEN markers.cmm from /cygdrive/c/erika/eclipse/plugins/COMEUE~4.N20/ee_files/pkg/mcu/infineon_common_tc2Yx/cfg/markers.cmm

12:45:14 Build Finished (took 1m:3s.96ms)
The elusive code.c has been included in the build and the project finally appears to build fine.

Many thanks for all your efforts!


Re: Tricore compilation

Post by felix.martin »

Hi all,

I just wanted to report a recent problem that I faced with RT-Druid and EE 2.7. When building the provided multi-core example (tricore -> infineon_triboard_tc2x5 -> multicore examples -> multicore event demo) I got the following make error:

Code: Select all

make -C slave1 TARGET_NAME=myProject_slave1 CPU_NUMID=1 GLOBAL_LINKSCRIPT=../shared_sym.lsl all
make[1]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/d/ee/workspace/project/Debug/slave1'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/d/ee/workspace/project/Debug/slave1'
../master/obj/pkg/mcu/infineon_common_tc2Yx/src/ee_tc2Yx_cstart.d:2: *** missing separator.  Stop.
make: *** [/cygdrive/d/ee/eclipse/plugins/ CPU1-all] Error 2
After some researching I figured that the *.d files are not really required for the build setup. So to fix the problem I made the following change in

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

define all-clean-template
 .PHONY: $(1)-all $(1)-clean
 $(1)-all $(1)-clean: $(1)-%:
	$(MAKE) -C $($(1)_DIR) TARGET_NAME=$(basename $($(1)_ELF)) CPU_NUMID=$($(1)_ID) GLOBAL_LINKSCRIPT=../$(GLOBAL_LINKSCRIPT) $$*
	find . -name *.d -delete # I added this line to delete all *.d files after the build for each core.
Now everything works fine again. I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Re: Tricore compilation

Post by ChayMa »

About using the HIGHTEC Free Entry Tool Chain and integrating RT_druid 2.8 version, Is there any one give it a try ?
I am facing many problems. I would be very thankful if you help me.

Best regards,

Re: Tricore compilation

Post by ChayMa »

About using the HIGHTEC Free Entry Tool Chain and integrating RT_druid 2.8 version, Is there any one give it a try ?
I am facing many problems. I would be very thankful if you help me.

Best regards,
Posts: 877
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Re: Tricore compilation

Post by paolo.gai »

I think we never tried it on ERIKA2. It is however supported in ERIKA3.



Re: Tricore compilation

Post by ChayMa »


Thank you for your answer and finally I did manage to find a solution from the help of this Forum. The code has been compiled successfully.
I am using TC26x B-step as a board for implementing communication protocol compatible AUTOSAR. Is it better to continue with ERIKA 2 or change to ERIKA 3 ?

Best regards,
Posts: 877
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Re: Tricore compilation

Post by paolo.gai »

If you are working on multicore setups, it should be simpler to use ERIKA3. Most of the development nowadays is on ERIKA3.

Note also the licensing change. For Universities it should not be a big licensing change as the code of ERIKA3 is distributed under the GPLv2.


Re: Tricore compilation

Post by ChayMa »

Thank your for your help. Can you provide me with the link of the plugin install for HIGHTEC Tricore Free Entry Toolcain IDE.

Best regards,
Posts: 877
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Re: Tricore compilation

Post by paolo.gai »

We do not provide a direct integration with the Hightec IDE. But you could try to install the RT-Druid packages in teh IDE directly (they are in teh download page). I cannot provide support on it since we never tried.
