RT-Druid in HighTec Free Tool Chain IDE?

Forum related to ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid version 2

Moderator: paolo.gai


RT-Druid in HighTec Free Tool Chain IDE?

Post by marsimrom1 »


I'm starting to work with TC223L Starter Kit of Infinion Tecnhonologies.

I want to use the Hightec Free Tool Chain with Erika OS.

When I try to debug a project in Erika v3 IDE I have some problems because I need the Trace32 Software and I don't know how to do it without this software.

My question is if I can integrate ERIKA RT Druid into the Hightec IDE in order to use the Universal Debug Engine provided by Hightec.

Thanks you in advance.

Re: RT-Druid in HighTec Free Tool Chain IDE?

Post by e.guidieri »


The result of the build of ERIKA is a .elf file so it can be flashed and/or debugged with any tool you have, but we provide scripts to do that only for Lauterbach TRACE32 since that is the tool we use and we do have access to.

You need to contact your tool provider asking for support for the scripts if you are missing them.

We do provide RT-Druid as eclipse feature, but usually, due to lacking dependencies, it's hard to install it inside an RCP application like Highted IDE.

Usually, there are two roads to integrate:

1) Invoking RT-Druid tool as prebuild step from a Hightec project (either managed or makefile, this mean different ways to do that) and correctly configure the project to build what is needed. Clean approach but hard to done correctly for the managed version, much easier for the makefile version.

2) Building from RT-Druid e debugging from Hightec importing the project in both workspaces. It's not a clean solution, but usually it works.


Re: RT-Druid in HighTec Free Tool Chain IDE?

Post by marsimrom1 »

Thanks for your answer.

I understand that Trace32 Software is used to debug a RT-Druid Oil project throuhg JTAG. I have a TC223L development platform and I want to debug the project through USB. Could you explain me if exists the possibility of debug a RT-Druid Oil project through USB?

In other words, we are developing a test project and we would like to make it for free. Is there a road to do it?

Thanks you in advance.
Posts: 877
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Re: RT-Druid in HighTec Free Tool Chain IDE?

Post by paolo.gai »

Please check your board whether it provides any kind of on-chip debugging capabilities.

by looking at this page:
https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product ... tc223_trb/
it seems you should have a USB debugger. Pelase try it.

Once you successfully run one of the provided demos with the board, you should search for the way to import/program/debug an elf file like the one produced by ERIKA...

Note that the default distribution of ERIKA2 does not support this micro. The support was likely added by Infineon in their support packages.

ERIKA3 should have support for it.

