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Cannot set the correct include paths

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:26 pm
by Giacomo

I am trying to port ERIKA3 GH65 to NUCLEO-F429ZI (a.k.a. STM32 Nucleo-144). My naive approach was to start from the Basic Demo 1 template of STM32F429I-DISC1 and replace the references to that board in the following files:
  • {ERIKA_PATH}/contrib/st/ -> change STM32CubeF4 paths
  • {ERIKA_PATH}/contrib/st/ -> change STM32CubeF4 paths, preprocessor macros
  • {PROJECT_PATH}/hal.c -> change include
I have tried to build the project, but the Includes section in the Project Explorer still shows references to DISC1 instead of NUCLEO.

My question is: where do these include paths come from? I thought that editing would update them accordingly, but apparently they are taken from somewhere else/hardcoded/cached. If I delete them, they will be regenerated incorrectly.
Maybe it's a problem with Eclipse itself, but the paths are generated during the "pull" phase of RT-Druid. I have looked both in the ERIKA3 files and in my project folder, but these paths are only mentioned in

Thanks in advance for your help :)