RT_Druid v3 In HIGHTEC Free Entry Tool Chain

Forum related to ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid version 3

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RT_Druid v3 In HIGHTEC Free Entry Tool Chain

Post by ChayMa »

I am working on AURIX project and as an IDE I am using the Hightec Free Entry Tool Chain. I wanted to add the RT_Druid v3 in the IDE using the update site (current release G61) http://www.erika-enterprise.com/index.p ... nload.html
Unfortunately, nothing has been added to the plugin only an RT_Druid core which didn't allow me to create a new RT_druid project.
I ask for some help. How can I add the ERIKA RT_Druid v3 in the Hightec IDE.
Thank you.

Best regards,

Re: RT_Druid v3 In HIGHTEC Free Entry Tool Chain

Post by nicola.serreli »


I downloaded the IDE HighTec Free Entry Tool Chain, version Then I tries to install RT-Druid GH61.
The result is: I cannot install RT-Druid, since there are a lot of dependencies missing.
Eclipse proposes to resolve the problem installing almost nothing (as you noticed).

If you want to install RT-Druid, you need to install also EMF, xtext, acceleo, epsilon and their dependencies.
One more thing, RT-Druid version 3 supposes to run on eclipse 4.8 or newer.
The installation of Eclipse provided by HighTec Free Entry Tool Chain is 4.4.2.

Best regards,

Re: RT_Druid v3 In HIGHTEC Free Entry Tool Chain

Post by ChayMa »

Thank you for your answer. So, it's a problem of versions compatibility.
For the time being, we can't add the RT_druid v3 in the Hightec Free Entry Tool Chain. This IDE supports only the ERIKA v2 (RT_druid 2.8)
As a result, if your are working on ERIKA v3 project so you should use the latest version of the IDE provided by ERIKA Enterprise.

Best regards,