[request] [RT-Druid] add support for a new architecture

Forum related to ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid version 3

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[request] [RT-Druid] add support for a new architecture

Post by RagabElKattawy »


I'm working on a project that requires porting ERIKA Enterprise v3 to a new architecture that is not supported by RT-Druid v3. So I'm looking for a guide, manual or reference to configure the RT-Druid in order to add support for my CPU and its parameters.

best regards,
Ragab El-Kattawy
Posts: 875
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Re: [request] [RT-Druid] add support for a new architecture

Post by paolo.gai »

Dear Ragab,

What is the target?

Currently it is not possible to externally customize Rt-Druid for changing the OIL file parameters and the related generated code. Things likely will change around this summer, but for now my suggestion is the following:

- checkout the code from GitHub
- make the windows/preferences point to it (to use it instead of the official one)
- create an example from a similar architecture and generate code for it
- change the target code and the generated code, recompiling from command line, but without regenerating from the OIL file.

Once you have something working on the target side, in case you want to submit it to us we could add the support for RT-Druid makig the release public. (I would wait the next release with the new licensing terms to discuss about the inclusion).


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