ScicosLab Pack for non-FLEX boards?

Forum related to the FLEX boards

Moderator: paolo.gai

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Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:15 am

ScicosLab Pack for non-FLEX boards?

Post by oid »

Hi there,

i am going to use ScicosLab/Scicos for code generation for a Microchip dsPIC33-DSP and i am planning to use FLEX-Boards for evaluation purposes. But my actual goal is to generate code for a custom made board, based on a dsPIC33-DSP.
Is it possible to use the ScicosLab Pack for non-FLEX boards? If yes, what do i need to take care of?

my toolchain consists of
- ScicosLab 4.4b7
- ScicosLab Pack 9.3
- Eclipse IDE with RT-Druid for ERIKA Enterprise
- MPLAB Tools (C30 Compiler, MPLAB IDE)

Second question:
Is possible to use the CicosLab Pack with Xcos, since in the official Scilab version Scicos was replaced by Xcos?

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Re: ScicosLab Pack for non-FLEX boards?

Post by paolo.gai »

Yes, it is possible to use non-FLEX boards.

I have created a wiki page about the topic: ... LEX_boards (link correct)
Feel free to make it better with your experience...

About Scilab, XCos and ScicosLab: the two project diverged a few years ago, so there is not really an "official" and "unofficial" version of Scicos. XCos is based on Scicos 4.2. Please give it a try, my feeling is that unfortunately it has still stability problems (and it is lacking a few blocks too). ScicosLab is based on Scicos 4.4. It is stable, and it is the latest version of Scicos. We use it for everyday usage, as you can see from the many examples available on the wiki taken from the training courses. Currently, Scicos-FLEX supported Scilab/Scicos until version 4.1.2. After that, we moved on to ScicosLab. XCos has never been supported so far by our code generator. Feel free if you want to port the code generator to XCos, all code in the project is available under the SVN!


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Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:15 am

Re: ScicosLab Pack for non-FLEX boards?

Post by oid »

Thanks a lot! I will look into that.

In case i am using the exact same type of dsPIC (dsPIC33FJ256MC710) on my custom board: May I use the FLEX blocks right away, without writing any own blocks?

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Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Re: ScicosLab Pack for non-FLEX boards?

Post by paolo.gai »


yes, you can use the same code, provided that the pin you connect to the microcontroller are the same :-)

