Tricore Multicore Event demo not working

Forum related to ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid version 2

Moderator: paolo.gai

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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:44 pm

Tricore Multicore Event demo not working

Post by franky »

Hi all, I'm new to Erika and RT-Druid
I just try to build a project without an error.

I downloaded the
I unzipped it to C:\Evidance
I opened the eclipse and check for updates
Now I try to run the example Multicore Event demo project using the tricore project templates.
My compiler is TASKING so I'm changing the compiler from GNU to TASKING (in all three CPU's).
I defined the path to my compiler in the workspace preference.
No errors in the auto code generated by the OIL file in the RT-Druid

Now I build and get:
CC ee_tc2Yx_system.c
AR libee.a
CP ee_tc27x_tasking_ram.lsl
LD myProject_master.elf
ltc E106: unresolved external: EE_tc2Yx_cpu1_start - (common.o)
ltc E106: unresolved external: EE_tc2Yx_cpu2_start - (common.o)
ltc F019: unrecoverable error: fatal link error
make[1]: *** [/cygdrive/c/Evidance/eclipse/plugins/COD4BB~1.201/ee_files/pkg/cfg/arch/ myProject_master.elf] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/Users/Lab/workspace/TC27xC/Debug/master'
make: *** [/cygdrive/c/Evidance/eclipse/plugins/COD4BB~1.201/ee_files/pkg/cfg/arch/ CPU_MASTER-all] Error 2

Does anyone now what is happening here?
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Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Re: Tricore Multicore Event demo not working

Post by paolo.gai »


The TASKING Tricore compiler on AURIX for ERIKA2 has been contributed by Infineon directly (I guess then they used it in their software package). The support was done only for single core.

As for the multicore examples, only Hightec compiler is currently supported.

Note we do not have the TASKING compiler in house, so we can be of little help for now.

