
Forum related to the FLEX boards

Moderator: paolo.gai

Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:25 am


Post by pau.marti@upc.edu »

I would like to know whether it is possible to use Erika and flex with zigbee. Do you have any zigbee specific hardware that can be plugged for example into the multibus board? What about software, api?

Posts: 875
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm


Post by paolo.gai »

Hi Pau!

- There is a demo in the EE examples about interfacing an XBee module using the thru hole boards.

- the demo board has a connector that is meant to connect Zigbee modules. Just look at the Wiki page, there is one page exactly for that topic :-)

(The demo board should also have two adaptors PCB for the microchip and the Chipcon modules)

Nino also once did an adapter from the XBee to the first serial slot in the demo board. Nino, could you post it in the wiki?


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Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:14 pm


Post by nino »

There are different solutions:

[*]Use the demo board + a EasyBee module;
[*]Create an adapter for the MultiBus board + a EasyBee module
[*]Use my schematic for the adapter plugin (I\'ll put it in the wiki ASAP) on the Multibus board + a XBee module
[*]Create a custom board for the EasyBee module (see Franchino\'s application note on ZigBee communication)
[*]Usa a subset of my schematic to connet XBee to the Flex board (see Embedded World demo)

The EasyBee solution:[ul]
[*]as the advantage of allowing the possibilty to modify the stack code because it is a radio.
[*]as the drawback of needing the stack implementation inside the application.
[*]needs more wires to connect the module with the Flex.

The XBee solution:[ul]
[*]as the advantages of less code and less wires because it is a modem.* The advantage of XBee is that you need only 2 wires for UART connection because it is a modem.
[*]as the drawback of a \"backbox\" approach to the stack

I hope I\' ve been able to describe well enough the scenario.
