Another question on I2C...

Forum related to the FLEX boards

Moderator: paolo.gai

Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:15 pm

Another question on I2C...

Post by Alberto_82 »

Hi, I have another question for you, guys...
How can I use the I2C pins on the doughter board? In other words: I have to use SCL1 (Pin 45) and SDA1 (Pin 46) on the flex board, ok? But I want to use the daughter board too, because I\'d like to put some chars on the LCD screen... So: where can I find that pins on the latter board? I don\'t wont to solder anything on the board.. I think I\'ll burn it!!!


Alberto Savioli
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:14 pm

Re:Another question on I2C...

Post by nino »

I\'m sorry but the DemoBoard doesn\'t export an I2C bus. One of the channels is used but connected to the DACs.
The only way is to solder 2 wires. The place where doing this is less dangerous is on the connector to the Flex.
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Re:Another question on I2C...

Post by paolo.gai »

As an addition to waht Nino said...

the Demo daughter board does not have the pin exported, but the Multibus daughter board has them.

In any case, try to solder the wires on the big connector wires next to the LCD... there is no risk to burn anything there!

Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:15 pm

Re:Another question on I2C...

Post by Alberto_82 »

Ok, thank you for the advices!!
I\'ll try to do that...