Sicos Compilation .elf file missing

Forum related to ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid version 2

Moderator: paolo.gai

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Sicos Compilation .elf file missing

Post by p.erasmus » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:43 am

Hallo Paolo

I have installed Scilab and the sicos toolbox for the dsPIC
I could create the example led blinking in Scicos and activate the codeGen and the Compilation is performed and it reports the .elf file were succesfully created .However when I look in debug folder I do not find the.elf file and then I also tried to import the .elf file from MPLAB I could also not see the .elf file in MPLAB.

The RTDruid compilation does produce a .elf file and i could import it from MPLAB and programm my explorer 16 board.
But if i use Scicos I can not find the .elf File please help
I want to get this running and I had a meeting With Roland 2 weeks ago and we really think that going this way with Scicos and evidance could help us speed up things a bit.
However Do you have some blocks for the MCPWM and SPI and AD modules for the dsPIC30 to use in SCICOS.
Thank you once again
Swissauto Wenko Ag

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Re:Sicos Compilation .elf file missing

Post by paolo.gai » Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:27 pm

Dear Peter,

I\'m happy that you liked the approach we are following. As you may know, we are also partners in various European projects about automatic code generation and optimization (see the INTERESTED IST FP7 project), and we are working with various companies as well as INRIA on that topic.

We had a phone call a few days ago with Roland, explaining possible collaboration strategies. I know you\'ll have a meeting the 27 march, and by that time Roland will have a document with some possible collaboration atrategies. From now on, if you want, we can continue the discussion using private e-mails (my e-mail is pj \"at\", leaving to the forum the technical questions which can be of interest for the community.

About the compilation problem with Scilab and Scicos:

did you change the file in /bin/ with the correct pathname of the C30 / MPLAB IDE installation? (they are the same parameters to be put in the Preferences/RT-Druid/Oil/PIC30 dialog box under Eclipse...)

does the compilation ends with an error?

- if yes, please provide a log of the compilation to understand what happened.

- if no, the ELF file will be produced under the directory you specified in the dialog box of the Embedded Code Generator, under the Debug directory. the name of the file is pic30.elf

- please note that by default the scilab/scicos toolchain produces a binary suitable for the MCU mounted on the FLEX boards, which is a MC version (not a GP version like the chip provided in the Explorer 16)

- about possible blocks for the MCPWM, SPI, and A/D blocks. We have developed A/D and PWM blocks which are currently used on our Flex demo board. For the SPI, it depends on its usage. We are working on the SPI connection for the FLEX boards, which will give the possibility to take out data from the microcontroller to be sent to a PC for simulation and logging (it will be ready hopefully soon, we just released the first step of the chain as an application note).

In general, we are open to provide custom blocks which hopefully can be also released to the public in the next FLEX Scicos pack. We are also working a lot on the new version of the code generator, which hopefully will produce better code. We\'ll also give more detail on that to Roland before the next meeting.



Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:55 pm

Re:Sicos Compilation .elf file missing

Post by p.erasmus » Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:53 pm


Thank you I am back at the office on 27-03-2008 then I will look at the path settings and report .
thank you for the offer I will contact you over the mail adress
for the other discusions.

possibly I should buy a Flex board from you for the starting phase with Sicos and then when I have more experience with it we could slowly implement it into our designs.

Best Regards

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